I'm not going into a lot of detail about battles I'm dealing with right now because the focus is on "fighting battles."
Everyone who is a saved child of God is facing a battle and of course that doesn't exclude me. I should be the poster child (if there ever was one) for facing battles, winning some and losing some. There was a point in my life that I gave no consideration to the fact that I am saved. I went as far away from God as I could possibly go without breaking the law. You have no idea where I've been and what I did, but you do know that a battle is still a battle.
As I've aged, I've grown wiser. Funny, I didn't realize how true that statement is when I was only twenty. Those temptations that Satan used on me then he still uses today. Now, at this point in my life I'd like to state for a fact that I'll never do those things again. So why does he still use them? The point is this, if he knows it's still a temptation for me, he will keep tempting me with it, even if I don't give in, it is still an obstruction in my path. If I'm so busy trying to fight then I'll be too busy to be a witness for my Lord. They can't see the battles I've won if all they see are the tears in my eyes, my head down, and my attitude that doesn't always reflect a Christian's.
I don't know if I'll conquer these battles, but I know if I don't, I have only myself to blame.