Sunday, July 12, 2009

on Homecoming Services

What a wonderful day today! My daughter, Marissa, was baptized today. What a wonderful feeling knowing your child is going to Heaven.

We also celebrated homecoming at Lakeview with Bro. Chet Johnson, Pastor of our sponsoring church Forest Grove, bringing the message. My mom, dad, sister and her two boys, my friend Kim Wilkes and her two boys, (yep, Bro. Mike's wife- btw thanks Bro. Mike for being so unselfish and allowing them to come. I'm sure you got your nap in today!) were all there. We had some great food. Joe cooked quite a bit. I don't even bother anymore because no one wants my food when Joe brings something. We had a great time of fellowship, a slide-show presentation from when the mission first started til now, and great singing. I can't believe how in such a short time how far we've come. God is awesome!

Thanks for your prayers and support! God bless!