Sunday, December 28, 2008

ON FAMILY... word says a lot. There's family, then there's family. Bear with me, I'll explain.
First, you have family. This includes the husband, wife, children, grandparents, cousins, etc. Second, your extended family. This family includes those you've known and become so close to that they are considered family.

Christmas Day just passed and most of us spent the day with family. Everyone gets together, enjoys a great meal, exchanges gifts and talks. Just being around family makes the day even more special. God blessed us with a wonderful thing when He started the family in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Although the devil is doing his best to destroy the family, it is still present today.

Sometimes our family means so much that it's very difficult when they're not around. I was blessed with wonderful parents, and two beautiful sisters. We are very close. I love them a great deal and I wish I could see them more often. Susan, the baby of the family, lives in Shreveport with her husband, Allen, and son, Jordan. She ALWAYS got what she wanted, especially for Christmas! Tracey, the "older" sister, lives in Bossier City with her two youngest sons, Mark and Mason (we call him Lou). Her oldest son, Chris, lives in Shreveport with his wife, Deanna. Tracey is the bossy one. She ALWAYS has to be in charge! Stop shaking your head "no" Tracey, you know you do! My mom and dad live in Sibley and are members of Whispering Pines MBC (my extended family). My mom is the sweetest mom in the whole world. She cooks a big Sunday dinner for everyone just in case they show up. I sure miss being there on Sundays. It's probably how I've kept my weight off though. Dad works in construction. He builds anything as long as there is concrete involved. He bought himself a corvette last year (Merry Christmas). I'm thinking that since I'm his favorite daughter that I'll inherit it some day. Don't hate on me sisters, you know I am! Anyway, this is my family and I miss them. Btw, I didn't include my spouse and daughter on this post because I've already told you about them in my "about me" section.

My family at Whispering Pines means a lot to me, too. Many of them have known me since I was a little brat. I'm glad they've seen me turn into such a wonderful and God-fearing adult because I'm sure they were worried for a little while. Sis Jo can tell you about our trip to Kentucky. Really, what teenager is going to behave when she's away from her parents for two weeks? Sis Opal was one of the best teachers I ever had. I wonder if she remembers the spaghetti that I cooked at her house to raise money for our youth group. Church folks will eat ANYTHING, especially Baptists! Just thinking about all this makes me want to cry. I miss and love all of you.

I've been blessed with family, and family. Thank you, Lord.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

on him

Have you ever just thought "would he just shut up!?"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I met a man tonight at work who touched my heart. He was in town from Texas because he received a call Monday that his son, age 19, committed suicide. His younger brother, age 14, found him.

The man's faith was awesome. He said if he didn't know Christ he wouldn't be able to deal with this. God has given him peace in this most difficult tribulation. This man was praising God when most others would be mad at Him.

I told the man that he would be in my prayers and agreed with him saying that only God can get you through times like this.

After he left, I thought about what he said. Here is a man that just lost his son to suicide, still praising the Lord, not questioning, but praising. I thought about my trials and tribulations and how they don't even come close to this kind of tribulation. I thought about how much I whine when I'm over worked, when I'm feeling miserable about where I live, when the bills are due but the money is just not there. I thought about all the other feelings that I have and I felt guilty for crying over them.

I know we all have struggles, trials, and times of sadness and heartache. We all will break down and feel beaten.

I just hope and pray that the next time I'm going through a difficult time, no matter how big or small, I praise Him and allow Him to work it out. I know that there is peace in the storm, I know that He is there and I know He'll comfort me like no one else can.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

On Clothes

I just wanted to share with everyone that I am in search of clothing. Unfortunately, most of the clothes I have I can not wear any longer. Fortunately, it is due to my recent weight loss. See, last year at this time a size 12 fit good, but this year they are extremely too big. I have given a new meaning to the term "baggy look". All I need now is some "bling-bling", a t-shirt that's three sizes too big, and a pair of boxing shorts to show over the top of my pants and I will look like I came straight out the ghetto.

I gave my clothes to a lady at my church. So, if you run across some awesome prices or just happen to have any size 8 pants or skirts, or medium tops, please, let me know. I did purchase a great little dress two weeks ago and other items. I just need a few more things. Please make sure the clothes are from this decade. I have written below what I like and what I don't like so you don't waste your time.

1. Love-animal prints (except for cows)
2. Love below the waist pants ( hate the pants that come all the way up to the waist- I may be 40 but I'm not 60)
3. Long, medium or short skirts (not too short- I don't want anyone to start calling me names)
4. I like purple, black, red, and brown

1. Absolutely no elastic waist (only acceptable in jogging pants)-one word - GRANDMA!
2. Big floral designs - that went out when Miami Vice went off the air!
3. Moo-moos -need I say more?
4. Dresses that cover from the neck down to the ankle (I'm not Amish)
5. Velour

Hope that helped!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Some time ago, I was up in my attic. I opened the box that contained my beautiful, white lace wedding gown. I just looked at it with tears in my eyes and thought, "what in the world was I thinking?"

Nineteen years have passed since I wore that dress. Years of struggling, enduring, moving, and crying. Then there have been years of laughter, joy, experiencing new challenges, and the happiest time of birth to my daughter.

As the "wife" I'm supposed to be the "submissive" one. I, for one, am a professional at it by now. To "submit" means to commit to the discretion or decision of another or of others, yield, surrender. We are to be "subject" to our husband which means; under the power or rule of another. Don't like it? Well, you can thank Eve. Of course we all know it would never have worked if the husband was commanded to be the submissive one, his ego would never allow it. God knew the wife would sacrifice, would not be selfish, and love her husband with all she had. Now, I'm not foolish enough to believe that all wives are as good as I am. I know there are many that have abandoned this rule.

For the husbands, remember it makes it a lot easier for us to be submissive when we do feel that we are loved, we are cared for, and sometimes, just sometimes, put our needs ahead of yours. I know there are many wonderful husbands out there. Some call their wife "beautiful" (yeah, I know....but they are out there), mine reminds me to keep using my anti-wrinkle cream that I purchased last year (see post on turning 40). Some tell their wife she looks like she hasn't gained an ounce...mine tells me to put the cookie down or I'll gain back that weight I worked so hard to lose (see post on turning 40).

So when you're saying "honey, what would you like for dinner tonight?" but really thinking...."how much is that life insurance policy worth?"'re not alone.

I hope and pray that your marriage is all that you want it to be, but most importantly, what God wants it to be. I know it's difficult, it's been difficult for me, but rely on God. When your man here fails you, remember there is one that won't. Put your faith and trust in Him that your marriage will endure. Pray for your husband to be the husband God wants him to be and pray that you'll be the wife you should be. God bless you and your marriage.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


After much consideration I decided to write my very first post on this life-changing experience. Everyone knows what a difference turning "40" makes in a person's life. Last year I began preparation for this event. I purchased many products to fight wrinkles, reduce pore size, and "youthenize" (my new word) my skin. Exfoliating, masking, and rejuvenating. I went on a very strict diet including low carbs, aerobics and excruciating ab crunches. I even tried the "cabbage soup diet." One word- YUCK! (don't listen to an older sister, they don't always know better). I went from a size 16 to a size 8! Yea!! And I am still working on it.

When I finally hit the big "40" in April, my wonderful husband reminded me that I am older than he is, only by four months. Then I realized that turning 40 wasn't such a big deal for him. He didn't purchase any products, go on a diet, or do anything to fight this battle. Why? Does he not realize that he has wrinkles, has gained weight, his pores are huge, and doesn't look anything like the man I married 19 years ago?

So, what is so different about us? Why do women fight it with every ounce of their being while their husbands could care less? Why does it bother us so much when a Victoria's Secret commercial comes on when he is in the room, but it doesn't bother him at all when the bowflex commercial comes on? (Women don't act like you don't love that commercial!)

So what am I going to do? I wish I could say that I'm not going to care anymore, let the wrinkles rage, pores enlarge, and let my backside enter the room ten minutes after I've walked through the door!....but I can't. I will continue to fight this losing battle until either I die or the Lord comes back. I plan on looking my best when I hit those pearly gates! Won't it be wonderful when this battle is over? I know that this body is going to die. God has shown me, through the process of aging, that I will not live forever in this body, but I will take on a new body. Then I won't have to worry about wrinkles, enlarged pores, or pant size. I will be perfect. Whatever that looks like, I will be.

My friend, Pastor Mike Wilkes, turned 40 eight days before I did, (I hope he doesn't mind me saying that). When I asked him how he felt about it, his reply was this, " I'll be one day closer to meeting Jesus." I'll never forget that.

So when I do feel like my age is getting the best of me, I think about what he said...I'm one day closer to meeting my Savior.