Sunday, February 28, 2010

on a day that's supposed to be peaceful

I am writing this as I type, so excuse the randomness of this post.

This day, Sunday, our day of worship so easily turned into a day of anger, frustration and sadness for me. We were on the way out the door this morning, in a hurry as usual, and my arm hit the door causing my coffee to spill all over my hand (which didn't feel too good), the floor and my clothes. After that moment, I was trying to rush and clean myself up while Joe and Marissa were already in the truck. Joe starts beating on the horn. I rush out yelling, "I'm coming! I just spilled hot coffee all over my hand." He decides to say, (instead he should have just kept his mouth shut), "I'm gonna start leaving without ya'll." That did it. That led into a huge argument between us on our way to church. Enough said about that.

Then, of course, being a man, he's ok while I'm still frustrated and aggravated, I don't even want to be there.

People are trying to talk to me. "I don't wanna talk. Just leave me alone" is all I can think. I blame my attitude on my job, which everyone knows is already a stressful one. I play the piano as I'm crying my eyes out. I just want to be in the Lord's house and have a great service. Not today.

The sermon was on Jesus calming the storm. It's hard to believe sometime when you feel you've been in the same storm for so long and nothing has changed. When is the storm going to calm? When do I get my peace? How does one accept so much emotional turmoil that is causing so much unhappiness? I waited for the pastor to say some storms are over quickly while others linger. He didn't say that. He read the part where Jesus said "Peace. Be still" and the storm stopped immediately. I know Jesus is in the boat. I just feel like my boat is sinking. What is Jesus waiting for?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

on atheists..

Is the only thing that we can do for an atheist is pray?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

on an "old fashioned" church

I've heard the term "old fashioned" church many times. It's used to refer to what kind of church we want to build. The "old fashioned" ways of teaching and preaching are commonly stated. Is this the message we truly want to send people? If we are stating that this is "old fashioned" then we are telling others that the gospel is "old fashioned."

I, for one, don't see it as "old fashioned." I believe that when we state so we are saying there is a "new fashioned" way of teaching it. There is none. God gave us His Word, calls men to preach it, gave the churches the authority, and gave us Jesus. All throughout the ages until the end of the world, it has been and is supposed to be taught this way.

I hope we don't label our churches as "old fashioned." We are simply true, New Testament churches that teach the gospel the way Jesus taught.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

on being a man....

I was talking to Joe about how my assistant that quit wants me to mail his check to him. For whatever reason he doesn't want to come in and pick it up.

I don't understand how this man cannot face me. I'm not going to shoot him or curse him. I'm not going to start a fight in the middle of my store. I may ask him a few questions, but that's it.

During this conversation, I brought up the fact that he must not be much of a man since he has a problem with confronting me. Joe stated that there are times when men just want to avoid confrontation. I understand that, but what I don't understand is why he doesn't in this situation. It's not a battlefield, it's a business. He knows how professional I am, and really I am in these particular situations.

Also, a few days after my assistant quit, Joe saw him at a store. Joe said nothing to him. I asked him why he didn't say anything. You know, stand up for me. Because he had quit, I was at work from 6:00am til 9:30 pm that day, and Sunday from 7:30 am til 9:30 pm. So you can imagine how hurt I was that Joe didn't say anything. I told him that he should have said something. I guess in this situation, he wanted to avoid a confrontation.

So, why is it that when it is something that is important to a man they have no problem with confrontation, but when it involves their wife, they do. I don't get it.

Now you know, stand up for your wife, defend her. It will mean so much to her, you may never know it, but it does.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

on keeping the Lord's Day holy...oh...except for Superbowl Sunday

While I'm excited that the Saints won the Superbowl, I am utterly disgusted how some of our fellow brethren, sisters, and sister churches allowed this event to become a part of their worship. Some even allowed it to replace their worship.

I read comments on Facebook about a preacher who wore a "Who Dat" t-shirt. Others dressing in black and gold. I read a comment by a preacher who was "staying at home tonight to watch the Superbowl" and how God would forgive him.

This is our example? These are our leaders in our churches? No wonder the world doesn't see a difference in us, we look like it. Aren't we supposed to be a "peculiar people." We go on and on criticizing Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, and so forth. We proudly display our love for each other, the love Jesus has for us, yet some quickly allowed this one event to take precedence over their worship.

These men are supposed to be our leaders. How are they going to lead when even they don't know how to follow?

Shame on them.

on blog list

I've tried to add blogs to my blog list and it's just not letting me. Any help?