Sunday, February 7, 2010

on keeping the Lord's Day holy...oh...except for Superbowl Sunday

While I'm excited that the Saints won the Superbowl, I am utterly disgusted how some of our fellow brethren, sisters, and sister churches allowed this event to become a part of their worship. Some even allowed it to replace their worship.

I read comments on Facebook about a preacher who wore a "Who Dat" t-shirt. Others dressing in black and gold. I read a comment by a preacher who was "staying at home tonight to watch the Superbowl" and how God would forgive him.

This is our example? These are our leaders in our churches? No wonder the world doesn't see a difference in us, we look like it. Aren't we supposed to be a "peculiar people." We go on and on criticizing Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, and so forth. We proudly display our love for each other, the love Jesus has for us, yet some quickly allowed this one event to take precedence over their worship.

These men are supposed to be our leaders. How are they going to lead when even they don't know how to follow?

Shame on them.


JamesCharles said...

OUCH! I bet that post hurt someone. I'm glad I could care less about that game! :-)

Julie Halliday said...

Sometimes the truth hurts! lol
I just don't understand how supposedly Godly men and women don't think about these things. What would people think if I showed up at church with a "throw me something mista" shirt on?

Mike Wilkes said...

Good post Julie. I agree.

Brother Joseph said...

awesome post. I think Brother Mike can place this in the Missionary Baptist News. Thanks for the post. We at Calvary did not change a thing. Thanks for the stand!!!

Julie Halliday said...

Wow! Missionary Baptist Newsworthy!! but I'm not a "brethren" LOL