Wednesday, February 24, 2010

on atheists..

Is the only thing that we can do for an atheist is pray?


JamesCharles said...

We can preach the truth to them. Most importantly, we must show the truth to them. I grew up in an atheist family, and an atheist myself. I was saved b/c I FELT God through the church member's authenticity and genuine relationship with Jesus at the time. I saw something totally different than anything in the world, and the truth of God's Word struck me with full force.

In preaching, some tools which help are a decent knowledge in the sciences, geology, and history. An intermediate use of the language you speak is a good tool also. While these tools are not necessary, I have felt much more confident in speaking to atheists, and seen two professions using the tools. The conversions were, of course, because of the truth of God's Word and their belief in Christ. I do, however, believe the reasoning of true science helped them see the errors in their thought, and helped them open their minds.

Again, these tools are not necessary, but can help.

Julie Halliday said...

I need to get this information because I have 2 friends that are atheists and I have tried to talk to them, but it just seems there is no reasoning with them about it. Thanks

JamesCharles said...

One great book that helped me with witnessing to them is "In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists Choose To Believe In Creation". Each in his or her respective field offers a reason they came to the view of the Bible's account of creation, through their scientific field. When they pride themselves on science only (and usually they actually know much less than they think they do), then it is easy to make them question themselves.

It is far more difficult to prove Christ to them through one's life, however. Getting them to see there is a possibility they are wrong is only the first step. That book should help. Some of the cases are strong and make a lot of sense. Some are silly. Some are way beyond my understanding. My favorite two to use are the laws of thermodynamics and the laws of ecosystems.