Monday, June 29, 2009

on cloud nine

I had to post the good news....

My daughter, Marissa, was saved tonight at Bogg Springs! I am so happy, yet sad. I'm not there. She called and told me the news. I wish I could have been there. It figures the first time I haven't gone in years and she's saved.

I can't wait to see her and give her the biggest hug I can! I love you Marissa. Thank you Jesus, thank you.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

on Christian dating

I read over the lessons for the teenage group for camp this year that Bro. Joe from Liberty sent. I personally want to know why we didn't have this when I was a teenager! What a difference in our young Christians' lives these lessons can make. If only they will seriously take these lessons to heart. Our youths' lives are constantly being affected by magazines, videos, television, movies and more than anything...their peers!

I remember being told, "just don't do it." While for some, that's enough said. Others are thinking, "I want to find out why I shouldn't do it." I was raised up in church and can not remember there ever being a time when anyone even discussed this issue among the teenagers.

Why did it take so long? Why didn't our parents and leaders in our churches see the need for it then as we do now? I know that our youth faces many more challenges today than we did then, but the temptations are not new. We had the same attractions, desires, thoughts as they do now. How many of us could have benefited by this material? I know I could have.

I would personally like to see this taught on a regular basis for a period of time so it can sink in. I would also like for a woman to write lessons for the girls, because you know some things a man (no disrespect intended) just can't relate to. The same applies for the opposite.

In reading these lessons Bro. Brown sent, I guess I might need to buy some new clothes. It seems I shouldn't wear my skirts that show my knees anymore, some of the shirts I have and my pants that are low-risers (which I love because they are so comfortable). It seems I need to dress from my neck to my ankle then I'll have it all covered. I do understand what point he's making here. It is a good guideline for young ladies.

I also pointed out to Joe the scripture where he's supposed to ravish in my love or something like that. I'll have to get that out again. He didn't say much.

Have a good time at camp! God bless yall and I wish I could be there. Joe is going to cook so there will be more for the men since he won't have to share with his wife!

Monday, June 15, 2009

I know....

I know you are here beside me to guide my steps along the way
I know you want me to be faithful, and find strength in you each day
I know there will be times I fail you, for I'm only human and humans sin
But I know whenever I fail you, you forgive me and another day begins.