Friday, April 16, 2010

on who yo baby daddy??

I was just thinking about how many of the men in the Old Testament had more than one wife or concubines, etc... I mean Jacob had Leah and Rachel and the two handmaids. Four mothers bore his children. Look at Solomon, I don't know how many kids he had, but it must have been quite a few with all those women.

So, I wonder if this question "who yo baby daddy," was ever asked back then? Did they have to worry about child support? Was it common for a man to father children from many different women? It looks like it was.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

on the faithful..

I was reading my Bible the other day and a particular verse caught my eye. Perhaps my preacher brethren may have noticed this already, but if you haven't, I see a good sermon in it.

The book of Hebrews, chapter 11, I'm sure you are all very well acquainted with. This chapter speaks of faith. It mentions many great, faithful servants of God. Just to name a few; Abraham, Noah, Moses, and also....Rahab. (vs 31)

Now, when I noticed this, my first thought was "why?" Why was Rahab mentioned in this chapter with so many of the faithful servants, whose names appear many times throughout the Bible? Why was she so special?

My second thought was that out of all the other faithful women of the Bible such as Esther, Naomi, Ruth, etc...God chose Rahab's faithfulness for this scripture.

I began to ponder this and it is my opinion that the Lord specified Rahab to make a wonderful point. That even a harlot, such as Rahab, had faith in and feared God. He can use anyone. He can change anyone. So there is no excuse for any of us. We all can be used of God.

Just Julie's Thought....