Sunday, December 6, 2009

on what's important

Life seems so fast-paced these days. Joe and I both work long hours. He's a chef and I'm in retail. I'm working 60+ hours a week right now, of course it's the season.

I don't know when it started, I just know it's caught up with me. I've put my family, church and other obligations on the back-burner because work has really had me tied up. I've been extremely emotional, stressed, and just flat out tired. I'm enjoying having the extra money, because it's nice not living pay-check to pay-check like many are doing these days. It's nice to not have to worry if the fridge breaks whether or not we can afford a new one. I like being able to run out and buy new clothes if I want and not worry about the budget.

But lately it's all been eating at me. I've come to realize the sacrifices I'm making aren't the sacrifices I should be making. What's really important to me? You know sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget about who's life it's affecting. I know that lately my spiritual relationship with God isn't what it should be. I know the relationship with my husband and daughter haven't been the same. I know that I have to review the circumstances and find a resolution before it's caused so much chaos in my life that it'll take a miracle to get it back to where it should be.

I took that step today. I feel like a huge burden has been lifted and it's gonna be ok once again.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

on being weak...

Why is it that women are considered to be so weak, but in every element of our lives we have to be strong?

Men, if you think we are weak, then stop expecting us to be strong!

Monday, November 2, 2009

my feelings right now

just wondering why I can't stop having the feelings I have and how did this all happen? I 'm so frustrated, angry, bitter, and hurting that it's eating me up and I don't feel like it's going to get any better. I don't know why my burdens haven't been lifted. I don't know why when I've been trying to do right following the Lord that I continue to hurt so much. I'm just sick of it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

on fighting battles

I'm not going into a lot of detail about battles I'm dealing with right now because the focus is on "fighting battles."

Everyone who is a saved child of God is facing a battle and of course that doesn't exclude me. I should be the poster child (if there ever was one) for facing battles, winning some and losing some. There was a point in my life that I gave no consideration to the fact that I am saved. I went as far away from God as I could possibly go without breaking the law. You have no idea where I've been and what I did, but you do know that a battle is still a battle.

As I've aged, I've grown wiser. Funny, I didn't realize how true that statement is when I was only twenty. Those temptations that Satan used on me then he still uses today. Now, at this point in my life I'd like to state for a fact that I'll never do those things again. So why does he still use them? The point is this, if he knows it's still a temptation for me, he will keep tempting me with it, even if I don't give in, it is still an obstruction in my path. If I'm so busy trying to fight then I'll be too busy to be a witness for my Lord. They can't see the battles I've won if all they see are the tears in my eyes, my head down, and my attitude that doesn't always reflect a Christian's.

I don't know if I'll conquer these battles, but I know if I don't, I have only myself to blame.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

on emotions

As most know, a woman is very emotional. Our emotions sometimes get the best of us. We allow them to surpass boundaries that we initially set. Before we know it, they have taken control of our thought process. This can lead to a mental state of confusion and affect us in our marriages, families, friendships, and occupations. We try to put them aside, but no matter how much we strive to accomplish this, it is a constant battle.

How does one rid their mind of these emotions? How does one defeat their own creation of emotions? Is it possible to ever overcome such?

Is it a matter of consistent prayer or will it forever remain in the depths of my mind? I would hope that eventually the emotions will subside and I won't have this constant battle to fight, I won't have to continuously put forth the effort to push these feelings away. I want to have peace of mind. I want to have a better relationship with the Lord, my husband, my daughter, my church, family and friends.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

on Homecoming Services

What a wonderful day today! My daughter, Marissa, was baptized today. What a wonderful feeling knowing your child is going to Heaven.

We also celebrated homecoming at Lakeview with Bro. Chet Johnson, Pastor of our sponsoring church Forest Grove, bringing the message. My mom, dad, sister and her two boys, my friend Kim Wilkes and her two boys, (yep, Bro. Mike's wife- btw thanks Bro. Mike for being so unselfish and allowing them to come. I'm sure you got your nap in today!) were all there. We had some great food. Joe cooked quite a bit. I don't even bother anymore because no one wants my food when Joe brings something. We had a great time of fellowship, a slide-show presentation from when the mission first started til now, and great singing. I can't believe how in such a short time how far we've come. God is awesome!

Thanks for your prayers and support! God bless!

Monday, June 29, 2009

on cloud nine

I had to post the good news....

My daughter, Marissa, was saved tonight at Bogg Springs! I am so happy, yet sad. I'm not there. She called and told me the news. I wish I could have been there. It figures the first time I haven't gone in years and she's saved.

I can't wait to see her and give her the biggest hug I can! I love you Marissa. Thank you Jesus, thank you.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

on Christian dating

I read over the lessons for the teenage group for camp this year that Bro. Joe from Liberty sent. I personally want to know why we didn't have this when I was a teenager! What a difference in our young Christians' lives these lessons can make. If only they will seriously take these lessons to heart. Our youths' lives are constantly being affected by magazines, videos, television, movies and more than anything...their peers!

I remember being told, "just don't do it." While for some, that's enough said. Others are thinking, "I want to find out why I shouldn't do it." I was raised up in church and can not remember there ever being a time when anyone even discussed this issue among the teenagers.

Why did it take so long? Why didn't our parents and leaders in our churches see the need for it then as we do now? I know that our youth faces many more challenges today than we did then, but the temptations are not new. We had the same attractions, desires, thoughts as they do now. How many of us could have benefited by this material? I know I could have.

I would personally like to see this taught on a regular basis for a period of time so it can sink in. I would also like for a woman to write lessons for the girls, because you know some things a man (no disrespect intended) just can't relate to. The same applies for the opposite.

In reading these lessons Bro. Brown sent, I guess I might need to buy some new clothes. It seems I shouldn't wear my skirts that show my knees anymore, some of the shirts I have and my pants that are low-risers (which I love because they are so comfortable). It seems I need to dress from my neck to my ankle then I'll have it all covered. I do understand what point he's making here. It is a good guideline for young ladies.

I also pointed out to Joe the scripture where he's supposed to ravish in my love or something like that. I'll have to get that out again. He didn't say much.

Have a good time at camp! God bless yall and I wish I could be there. Joe is going to cook so there will be more for the men since he won't have to share with his wife!

Monday, June 15, 2009

I know....

I know you are here beside me to guide my steps along the way
I know you want me to be faithful, and find strength in you each day
I know there will be times I fail you, for I'm only human and humans sin
But I know whenever I fail you, you forgive me and another day begins.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

on confession

Must we confess our sins with our mouths in order to be saved?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


GERMAN SHEPHERD FROM POUND...................$60.00

VET BILL.................$75.00

LAPTOP CHARGER THAT HAD TO BE REPLACED...............................$100.00

NINTENDO DS CHARGER (CHEWED UP)..................$20.00

DAUGHTER'S QUICKFIRE PHONE CHARGER....................$30.00



Sunday, May 3, 2009

on old people aren't always right

First, let me say this. This post is not to disrespect the elders in any way, but to acknowledge the fact that they, too, can be wrong.

I drove to Whispering Pines this past Saturday for Bro. Mike's graduation fellowship. We had a wonderful time. I always do, as many of you know this is my home church.

As I was standing near a couple of elderly gentlemen, I overheard them talking about the "great fish" that swallowed Jonah. They were discussing the lie many have believed that the bible never states it was a whale that swallowed Jonah. I, of course, said "yes, it does." They disagreed with me saying it didn't. I told them that it does say it was a whale, it says it in the New Testament. Of course, they still disagreed. Well, I couldn't remember what verse it was, so I just let it go, but I knew I had read it. I could still hear them talking about it. Their tone of voice they were using seemed very condescending. They may as well have said, "you don't know what you're talking about" because that's what it sounded like they were saying.

Then I started thinking, maybe I didn't read it then. I mean, these were two men who've gone faithfully to church as long as I've known them, surely they knew better than I did what the bible said. And if it does say "whale" somewhere, surely they would have read it as well. So, I doubted myself.

Well, I drove home and I had to find out whether I was right or wrong. So, I looked it up. Was I right? See for yourself...

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

In this particular verse, it is Jesus who is speaking. Now, who would know better than Jesus what kind of fish it was?

Needless to say, I am not going to take anyone else's word for it, I will study for myself.

See, old people aren't always right.

Monday, April 27, 2009

another prayer request

My friend passed away Sunday around 11:00 am. Please remember her family in your prayers as they are mourning the death of two loved ones. Also, please pray that the truck driver will come forward and acknowledge his crime.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

a prayer request...

A friend of mine was in a very serious car accident Thursday night around 10:00. She is in LSU and not expected to live. She lost one of her ears, has a broken neck and may have brain damage. From what I was told, they weren't going to do any surgery yet because she probably wouldn't make it through the surgery. Her 7-year-old granddaughter was killed. Both of them had been thrown from the car. Her daughter was driving the car and said that the truck driver who caused the accident kept driving.

Please keep Tammy and her family in your prayers.

Count your blessings...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

on laying it down

Why is it so hard to lay it down and let God have it?

I find myself standing during the invitation, the tears are flowing, and wanting to run and fall down at the altar and pour it out. I'm holding on and I don't know why. The invitation stops and there I am, still standing...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

on studying the bible

Many of us who study our bibles are not seminary students, English students, or are currently enrolled in a college or university. We read the scripture, look up the words in the back of our bible, use a dictionary, or use some sort of lexical aid. We strive to better understand what the scriptures are saying to us. Yet if our intellectual capabilities limit us, then we are left to ask others whom we trust to know.

I have recently been studying a particular scripture. I looked up the words, studied, and thought I understood what it was saying. I really felt that the Lord had opened my eyes to something. Even while I was laying in the bed trying to go to sleep, it ran through my mind, over and over again, keeping me awake. I was thoroughly convinced that I was right, because the Lord had led me to understand something that others and myself hadn't before.

I was told that I was wrong. I was let down. I didn't want to hear that, of course. I wanted to be right. Not because of my studies only, but because I felt that the Lord had revealed something to me through my studies.

I said all that to say this. I understand why people don't study their bible. I understand why they buy bibles written in layman's terms. We criticize them for it but they may not have the brain that students, preachers, teachers, and others do. I mean, take myself for an example, I studied and studied on this particular scripture and I'm wrong? I looked up the words, I read it over and over again. I read other scriptures with the same subject matter, and it all made sense to me, it all fit.

Now I'm discouraged. I don't want to study. Why should I? I might be wrong and I don't want to be disappointed again. I'll just start taking the preacher's word for it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

on who yo baby daddy??

I was just thinking about how many of the men in the Old Testament had more than one wife or concubines, etc... I mean Jacob had Leah and Rachel and the two handmaids. Four mothers bore his children. Look at Solomon, I don't know how many kids he had, but it must have been quite a few with all those women.

So, I wonder if this question "who yo baby daddy," was ever asked back then? Did they have to worry about child support? Was it common for a man to father children from many different women? It looks like it was.

on easter

Easter Sunday was a wonderful blessed day for me. My family drove down to Minden to Whispering Pines that morning, I sang a special "I Will Rise", heard an awesome sermon by the "Big Buck", went to my mom's house and spent the day with my parents, sisters, nephews and brother-in-law, had a great meal, ate way too much, went back to church that evening and heard another great sermon from Bro. Buck. This was also my 41st birthday. After church, we headed over to Big Buck's dwelling place because that's just what we do every time we visit. Sorry for them, it's just become a routine. My daughter goes over to see the young spikes and we follow behind and end up always staying longer than we should. Mrs. Doe is the sweetest person you'll ever meet, besides me, she endures through our ramblings. Big Buck is a big talker, many of you know that already, but I am also just as stubborn and strong headed as he is. My husband is a little more reserved, yet he does enjoy good conversation. We were discussing several things, which I won't post on here. I just wanted ya'll to know that Big Buck said I was right about something, which I already knew, and wrong about something else that I am determined to prove him wrong. Like I said, I'm stubborn and this doe won't go down without a fight. During these conversations, Mrs. Buck is falling asleep beside me on the sofa. I believe she was about to muzzle Big Buck! Anyway, we finally called it quits because we had a long drive home.

I always dread leaving. I know what comes next; depression. The next day I was so depressed I cried on my way to work, cried at work, thought about how much I hate it here, thought about how much I hate not being able to go to the church I want to go to, thought about how much I resent Joe for doing this to me, thought about how much I miss my family. And I think about why am I so depressed if I am a child of God and I am supposed to be so full of joy when all I'm full of is sadness most of the time. Good grief, I'm crying right now. I'm just waiting for the one day that I don't think about any of this. So far, it hasn't happened. Pray for me.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

on more scriptures in relationship to the "healing of the nations"

Just following up on my study of the "healing of the nations" and the significance of the tree of life. It all corresponds to "service."

Notice the following scriptures:
Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

Proverbs 12:12 The wicked desireth the net of evil men: but the root of the righteous yieldeth fruit.

Jeremiah 17:7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.

Jeremiah 17:8 For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

There you have it. Scripture after scripture stating how our faithfulness in serving God is depicted as a tree bearing leaves and yielding fruit unceasingly.

Need I say more?

Friday, April 3, 2009

....on being belittled by the brethren

As a woman, I am offended by how belittled we are sometimes in our association. I know we are not to be preachers, pastors, or bishops -whichever title you may call it. I know we are not to "usurp authority" over the men. I know we should not teach a Sunday school class of men, which by the way, it probably would help some of the men if one did. I have also been told numerous times to follow my husband when it came to joining this church. I got pretty sick of hearing this since every time we've moved somewhere it's mostly been for Joe's school or job.

I have been a member of an ABA church since I was twelve years old. I have been attending one since I was about six years old. I know more about our work, church authority, the bible, and how to conduct our services than most of the men at my church. Yet when I ask a question or make a statement about something I am frowned upon? but I have to listen to the male hick in the back row talk about his financial problems? I don't think so.

I do stand for what I believe. I do open my mouth and let it out sometimes, too.

So are we supposed to sit back and not say anything if the men of the church are not taking the lead in our church and conducting business the way it should be done?

I don't think so.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

on explanation of "healing of the nations"

This scripture was posted on Bro. Adrian Neal's blog. Several explanations of what the " healing of the nations" were posted. This phrase in the scripture has long been questioned in regards to why there is a need for healing in heaven.

After reading these explanations and hearing others', I determined that the word "healing" here must mean something other than "curing."

The word "healing" here comes from the Greek word "therapon" meaning "servant of God." The word "therapeuo" comes from this word which means "to serve or do service." Then the word is changed to "therapeia" which means "service rendered by one to another, body of attendants; servants." The word "therapon" translates to the same word "servant" as used in Hebrews 3:5 describing Moses. Now knowing this, we see that the leaves were for all the "servants" of God, which brought me to this question, " What do the leaves represent?"

There are thousands of leaves on a tree. The leaves represent the many acts of service by the servants. What tree bears fruit before it bears its leaves? None. Another question, "what does the fruit mean?"

In scriptures, fruit usually signifies what we bear spiritually. The fruit ever yielding here signifies that our service is going to last for eternity. What trees here bear fruit continually? None. There is a time when there are no leaves, therefore no fruit. This is another reason why I determined that this tree represents service. What does the next verse say?

Revelations 22:3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it: and his servants shall serve him:

When are we going to stop serving God? Never.

I believe we can all agree that this explanation is more relative than other explanations. For if you take into consideration the next verses in this chapter, it "fits" with the context. I welcome any comments on this by my brothers or sisters.

I enjoy reading my brethren's posts, I have learned very much. I have also learned to study verses for myself. I am hoping that this post will encourage other sisters to study for themselves as well and not just take the men's word for it! No disrespect intended men, just trying to encourage the women to study like all of you do.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

on wishing

I wish I could stop crying uncontrollably during church services.
I wish I could stop feeling bitter about my situation.
I wish I could stop feeling anger towards members of my church.
I wish I could stop having feelings that I shouldn't be having.
I wish this battle I am having would end.
I wish being a Christian wasn't so hard.
I wish God would make changes in my life that I want.
I wish I didn't feel like I'm getting further away from God rather than closer.
I wish I didn't resent my husband sometimes.
I wish being the wife I should be was easy.
I wish I had friends here that I could talk to.

Friday, March 6, 2009

on salvation...

Why is it that so many in our work, say that they thought they were saved only to find out years later they weren't? What should we do differently in our work to keep from misleading anyone and how are we supposed to lead others into our work when this is a common issue among our members?

It seems to me that we are so overzealous in getting folks "saved" and too worried about the numbers that we are misdirecting them towards the only way to salvation.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

on dreams

Does God still come to us in our dreams?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

on "To Whoop or Not To Whoop"

I was the "middle child" of three girls. I don't know why I was blamed for everything. I just was. If Susan was crying, it was my fault. If Tracey was yelling, it was my fault. For this reason, I got lots of "whoopings." Some I know I deserved, others I questioned.

Several bad whoopings come to mind. I know the parents say, "This is going to hurt me more than you." That is a lie. I know. How could those licks on my behind hurt less than my dad's "feelings" while he was administering such punishment? I just don't believe it.

Ok. One time, my friend and I decided to test our skills at rolling the yard of my neighbor down the street with toilet paper and applying a generous amount of shaving cream to their vehicle. Oh, we also aimed high and got a few trees with the toilet paper as well. We walked back to my house (by the way, this was a Sunday afternoon, yep, after church). My friend went home. Later, the phone rang. I answered. It was my neighbor. Whoops! Well, I lied. I said I didn't do it. Then my mom did an investigation. She went into the bathroom. Yep, my ship was sunk. She came out, "Your dad's shaving cream is gone and so is some toilet paper."

I don't know why they do it, but they enjoy making us wait for our whooping and that is completely uncalled for. Just do it and get it over with! Anyway, I knew it was coming, I just didn't know when. That evening, my dad asked, "You don't think I've forgotten about that whooping, do you?" Well, I knew he hadn't but I had hoped that he had come down with a temporary case of amnesia. So, there we are in my room. We've assumed the position and boy, he let me have it. Belts hurt. As I'm laying there, screaming in pain, Susan has her head under the covers. You would think she felt sorry for me, you think she would have said, "daddy, stop, that's enough"...oh, no, she was too busy laughing, laughing at my pain. Needless to say, I didn't roll anyone else's yard-EVER AGAIN!

Another whooping comes to mind. I was taking the trash out because we actually did chores back then. I lit the trash, then I decided to play with the matches. So I built another fire away from the burn pile. Most country folks know what a burn pile is. Mom called me inside. I left the fire. A little while later the woods behind our house was going up in flames! Whoops! Here comes another whooping! We got the fire put out. Later, I received my just recompence. Wow, it hurt. A few months later, dad was burning some stuff and he caught the woods on fire. I'm just curious, who was going to whoop him? Fair is fair, right?

I said all that to say this. My daughter is going through that "pre-teen stage." Her mouth is pushing the "whooping button" in a serious way. Joe has the "rod of correction" leaning against the wall in the laundry room. I'm serious, he does. It has yet to be used. I am patiently awaiting this event. I know I could call my dad, he'd know how to use it. It doesn't have an automatic pilot on it. It is a manual. It needs no gas, no electricity, not even a AA battery. I am wondering if it came with instructions and Joe just hasn't read them yet. But, if and when the time comes, you can be certain you will see a blog on it!

Thanks for your comments.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

another poem....

Here I am again, not knowing what to write about......but I did write a poem. Sometimes I just have to rhyme when I write!

The tears that I shed, never cease to flow,
My emotional weaknesses seem to grow and grow.

With an overwhelming fear inside of losing this fight,
Questioning the paths I've chosen, no rest I find at night.

A new dawn arises and I wake to face it all again,
My soul cries out to Him, "This battle I cannot win."

I'm overcome by the flesh, overwhelmed with grief and sorrow,
Relentlessly I'm searching, for peace before tomorrow.

Throughout the day I am praying, while my thoughts are going astray,
Confusing me with the illusion that they will never go away.

Continually clouding my mind, "I'm only human and I will lose,"
Yet the Spirit stands up against me, "This path you cannot choose."

Here I am, once again, asking for my faith to be renewed,
For it's not my will, Lord, but yours I seek, in all that I may do.

Monday, January 26, 2009

on struggling...

The battle between the inward and outward man that Paul spoke about in Romans chapter 7 tells us that this is a daily battle. A battle that each of us, the saved, will struggle with. The only way to endure these battles is to become closer to God through prayer and studying the bible. Sometimes I feel so far away that I can't see the victory. Sometimes I want to give up. Sometimes I want to give in. The emotional pain becomes so hard to bear that it makes me ask the question, "Is it worth it?" I am struggling. I am praying. I am fighting.....daily.


I am a sinner, O Lord, saved only by your grace
kept by your mercy, in your tender embrace

I pray for your guidance in all that I do,
While fighting my flesh, trying only to listen to you

Many times I have failed, more than I succeed,
and here I am, once again, falling to my knees

So many deceitful, sinful thoughts my mind conceives,
yet I am still yours by the salvation I've received

I cry out, "forgive me" and I know that you hear,
whether with unspoken words, or through the shedding of tears

You reach down to raise me up to face another day,
I will follow, Lord, even though I stumble along the way

I lay it all down, for I'm not strong enough to hold on,
My load is then lightened, You give me the will to carry on.

Friday, January 23, 2009

on women and their behaviors...

I have began reading through the Bible. I have finished with Genesis. I'd like to share some information that I've learned that some of you may not know.

My topic is about the women of Genesis. Not all of them, but some that "got my attention." I've learned several things here: 1. Women haven't changed 2. There was usually a man involved. 3. We'll do almost anything for a man.

1. Eve: easily convinced...she was tempted, gave in, then gave to Adam to eat. She was created as a "helpmeet." Did she help?

2. Lot's wife: disobedient and nosy...She was warned not to look back and look what happened-bam-she turned into our favorite seasoning.

3. Lot's daughters: desireful...they were living in a cave with their father so there were no other men around, so they got their father drunk, slept with him and had children by him. These girls must have been mentally disturbed, that's the only explanation I can think of.

4. Sarah: impatient, jealous...she couldn't have children (or so she thought), so she gave Abraham her maid, Hagar, to have a son by (Ishmael). Then, she was mad about it and had her and the baby sent away. Of course later, God gave her the son Abraham was meant to have, Isaac.

5. Rachel and Leah: sisters, battlers for love...married to the same man, Jacob. How would you like to be in their shoes? Both of them battling for Jacob's love. Do you see a Jerry Springer episode here? Whoever gives Jacob the most sons wins!! Poor Leah, she wasn't as pretty but she could have those babies! She was so ugly that she had to buy Jacob with mandrakes (love apple, a fruit that increases your sexual desire, for procreation-they didn't have viagra back then)

6. Rachel: liar and thief...stole her father's statues, hid them in the camel's saddle she was sitting on, then when the men were searching for the statues she said "it's that time of the month, I can't get up"(not in those exact words but you catch my drift). See, we've ALWAYS used that as an excuse!

7. Potiphar's wife: seductress...she was attracted to Joseph and tried and tried to get him in the sack (hey, she was a go-getter) but he wouldn't give in (we always want what we can't have), so she got mad and accused him of attacking her. Boy, she didn't like being rejected.

8. Rebekah: trickster, deceitful...she had Jacob pretend to be Esau because she loved him more and wanted him to get the blessing from Isaac. What? A woman trick a man? Who ever heard of such?

9. Tamar: revengeful...Judah didn't make good on his promise to give her his third son, Shelah, after the first two died, remember they were wicked so the Lord slew them, anyway, she dresses as a harlot and lures Judah, sleeps with him then gives birth to twins. Twins, huh, I think I would have stayed a widow.

As you can see, most of the reasons they did these things were because of a man. However, they did it. Some of these women were really good women, they just made some bad choices. We all do.

I learned a lot. Did you?

Don't worry men, I've got one coming for you as well. I wouldn't want you to feel left out

Sunday, January 18, 2009

On our new president...

Since I'm a woman, I can't be called to preach so this is my pulpit, my blogspot. I can use it to get points across and if I'm ever incorrect, I'm sure some man of God will tell me. But you better have some scriptures ready to back it up.

I've been reading comments from people online and in magazines about our new president. I've been hearing people at my job make comments about him. It seems they believe he has all the answers. That he's going to "fix" this country. That he's brought people of all colors and nationalities together.

It is a shame and a disgrace to our Lord that these people have put their "faith" in this man. They actually believe that things are going to be better because of "him". And from a worldly view, it might.

One day I was at work checking a lady out (ringing up her purchase- just in case you were wondering), and she was talking to the man behind her about Obama getting this country out of this mess that Bush made it. I listened and finally I couldn't take hearing it any longer. Imagine that, me speaking my mind! I plainly said, "One man didn't get this country in this mess that it's in and one man is not going to fix it. We got this country in the mess it's in by allowing immoral laws to pass, going against what the Bible teaches, and taking God out of it. I didn't put my faith in Bush and I'm not about to put it in Obama. The only One who can turn this country around is God."

Well, the lady said "you're right" (I really don't think she agreed with me though, I don't know). She left. The man behind her continued this discussion with me, he was an older black man, very nice, and we talked about how our country has changed. His friend came up and made a purchase, he told me "we need more people like you". I thought he meant because I was friendly and helped him with something else, but he said "no, we need more young people like you that believe like that."

Wow! An older person said that about me! I was flattered.
This got me to thinking. I'm not a doctor, or a lawyer. I'm no rocket scientist, but it doesn't take much sense to realize that we need Jesus. We need God in our lives and those of us who do need to make a stand, tell others where this nation has failed, tell others where they need to place their trust and faith.

How ignorant can people be to actually believe that Obama is going to change this country? How is he (a man-and only a man) going to "fix" everything? I know there is a scripture that says "but if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant." (1 Corinthians 14:38 to be exact) I wonder if He put that in there for these people?

Anyway, we know who to place our trust and faith in. Are we telling others?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

on what does it take?

Sometimes events take place in our lives that either bring us closer or take us further away from God. Some question "why", others accept it and go on. Some lose their faith, others' grow stronger. Some commit themselves, others quit. Some become discouraged, others are encouraged. Some have peace while others have turmoil.

We know, as children of God, that times are not always going to be easy. That this is life. This is a part of being human.

What does it take? Does it take a tragedy to bring you closer, or a joyous occasion to renew your faith? Do you question the events in your life wondering why God has allowed them when He knows what the outcome will be?

Is anything too hard for the LORD? No. So if He can take care of my problems, why doesn't He? We are told to "wait on the Lord." How long do I have to wait? I don't know. I don't have the answers. I suppose I just have to keep going and someday I will see why the Lord has allowed me to suffer through the times that I have been faithful in church, in prayer, and in studying His word. I will stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

What does it take for you?

Pray for me, pray for each other, pray that we will become stronger in the Lord no matter what we are going through.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

scripture for the day

James 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

on loving and hurting...

This past week has been a sad one here in the Halliday household. We said our goodbyes yesterday to our pastor, Bro. Dwight Bird.

The first time we visited the mission in Farmerville, we were late. For those of you who know us, that probably doesn't come as a surprise. However, we thought the services started at 7:00 because most Wed. night services do in our association. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Anyway, the service had started at 6:00, but Bro and Sis Bird were still there. Sis Betty and I talked. I remember her excitement when she asked me if I could play the piano and I said "yes". She almost jumped out of her skin with joy! I started to tell her that I wasn't that good, but I didn't want to spoil it for her. About a week later, she and Bro Bird came to our house to visit. You know the kind of visit you get when they want you to join their church. I remember crying when Sis Betty started talking about how much God moved her and Bro Bird. How upset she was. How mad she got at him, but never God. I really didn't want to hear it. "I" didn't plan on making this my church. It would be my "church of choice" when I couldn't make it down to Whispering Pines. I wanted to be home. I guess the Lord wasn't worried about what "I" wanted.

Many times Bro. Bird would pray and include "if anyone here needs to move their membership...etc" and I'd cry. Just the thought of it hurt. We held revival there one week, Bro Don McCormick preached. During the invitation on the last night, I believe, my husband went forward and asked to accept him by letter from Whispering Pines. Of course, they did. I cried. I knew that was it. The fight was on. That struggle inside, that turmoil that feels like it's ripping you apart. I fought it. I fought it with every ounce of my being for a while, about six months to be exact. It wasn't what I wanted, but I was told to "follow your husband" too many times, so I did. Even if I wasn't happy, I wanted to do what the Lord wanted. You preachers know what I mean.

Over the last few years the mission has grown, and I've grown very close to some of the members, especially the Bird family. Now I know that I've gotten "too close." You know when someone you love goes away, it hurts.

I had decided a long time ago that I wasn't going to love these people like I should. I was just going to "be there." I've been hurt too many times, been pulled away from family, friends, and church. I didn't want to go through that pain again. Well, needless to say, it didn't work. I found out this past week. I love Bro Bird, Sis Betty, and the rest of their family. When I saw them hurting, I hurt. One thing I know, Bro Bird is no longer hurting. I'm kinda envious of that.

I hope you get something from all this. It's ok to love people, and it's also ok to hurt.

I'm going to miss him a lot. He was a kind, loving, and truthful pastor. He was a brother, a friend, and I know he loved me.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bro. Bird

Please remember Bro. Bird, his family, and our church at this time. He is in hospice care in El Dorado. We know we serve an awesome God, and He will comfort those at this very difficult time.

Life Touch Hospice
2301 Champagnolle Rd.
El Dorado, AR
Room #5

Monday, January 5, 2009

on praying

It's 1:30 and I can't sleep. Lots of thoughts running through my little mind. So, I thought I'd post something. I don't know that I'll make much sense since it's so late.

I was just wondering...why do we pray heal this person or whatever the prayer may be "if it's your will"? He is God, so why does He need us to tell Him? I mean, I can see praying for help to do His will. Then, we turn around and say that if it's His will, it will be done. So why are we praying about it? Shouldn't we just accept whatever the outcome is as His will? I'm not saying don't pray to Him for others, I just believe we should think about HOW we are praying and the words we use.
Ecclesiastes 5:2 Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.

Like I said, it's late.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Please pray for Bro. Bird

Bro. Bird is in the hospital in El Dorado, Ar. He suffered a stroke Friday morning. Please keep him, his family, and our church in your prayers.