Tuesday, January 13, 2009

on what does it take?

Sometimes events take place in our lives that either bring us closer or take us further away from God. Some question "why", others accept it and go on. Some lose their faith, others' grow stronger. Some commit themselves, others quit. Some become discouraged, others are encouraged. Some have peace while others have turmoil.

We know, as children of God, that times are not always going to be easy. That this is life. This is a part of being human.

What does it take? Does it take a tragedy to bring you closer, or a joyous occasion to renew your faith? Do you question the events in your life wondering why God has allowed them when He knows what the outcome will be?

Is anything too hard for the LORD? No. So if He can take care of my problems, why doesn't He? We are told to "wait on the Lord." How long do I have to wait? I don't know. I don't have the answers. I suppose I just have to keep going and someday I will see why the Lord has allowed me to suffer through the times that I have been faithful in church, in prayer, and in studying His word. I will stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

What does it take for you?

Pray for me, pray for each other, pray that we will become stronger in the Lord no matter what we are going through.


tracey said...

I'm not a Bible scholar, but I think that God allows some things
to happen to help us grow spiritually, emmotionally, mentally, etc. I think that no matter how bad it gets sometimes, it is always beneficial to us at the same time. I have been through a lot and may see more come my way, but I have always had a peace and joy that I can't explain. Other than,I know that it is because I am a child of God and my brothers and sisters in Christ have prayed for me continously. I'll never forget the sermon that Bro Mike preached on The Devil trying to hurt our testimony for Christ by throwing all kinds of evil our way. I always felt like he was trying to get me to quit going to church by using Steve to contiously hurt me and the boys. I was angry and hurt but never thought about leaving the church or blaming God or asking why this has happened to me. I am still angry with Steve for hurting Mark and Mason by his selfish behavior.
I'm not sure if that will ever go away.......

Hope that made some sense!

Julie Halliday said...

Yes, I agree. We are going to suffer here on earth as children of God, for our rewards are in Heaven. And our constant faith, and our prayers, and the peace that we have gets us through these times. It is a constant struggle, and I know it is hard. It is our testimony that the devil is and will continue trying to destroy. I, for one, have wanted to stop going to church, thinking that I can't keep fighting it... and I can't, but I know He can. And every Sunday and Wednesday, He gives me the strength to go.

You made sense! You go girl!