Friday, April 3, 2009

....on being belittled by the brethren

As a woman, I am offended by how belittled we are sometimes in our association. I know we are not to be preachers, pastors, or bishops -whichever title you may call it. I know we are not to "usurp authority" over the men. I know we should not teach a Sunday school class of men, which by the way, it probably would help some of the men if one did. I have also been told numerous times to follow my husband when it came to joining this church. I got pretty sick of hearing this since every time we've moved somewhere it's mostly been for Joe's school or job.

I have been a member of an ABA church since I was twelve years old. I have been attending one since I was about six years old. I know more about our work, church authority, the bible, and how to conduct our services than most of the men at my church. Yet when I ask a question or make a statement about something I am frowned upon? but I have to listen to the male hick in the back row talk about his financial problems? I don't think so.

I do stand for what I believe. I do open my mouth and let it out sometimes, too.

So are we supposed to sit back and not say anything if the men of the church are not taking the lead in our church and conducting business the way it should be done?

I don't think so.


BroT said...

In the Book of Judges, Deborah had to step up because Barak was not the leader he should have been.

Julie Halliday said...

Thanks for reminding me of that Bro T.

I just wish some of the others would think about that.

saved said...

We men aren't always right. I just pray that we be the leaders we should be.

I hope that your issues will be resolved and you won't let this discourage you in your service.

Will pray for you and your church.

Tracy Neal said...

I'm with you on this one Julie. I think if it hadn't been for the women in some of our ABA churches the doors of these churches would no longer be open. Sometimes the women have had to take the leadership roles because the men are not stepping up and taking the responsibility they should.

Mike Wilkes said...

Our enemy has done a masterful job of making a mess of the family. Men are told to get in touch with their "feminine" side, while women are told that they can do anything that men can.

Without a doubt, women have often stepped up to the plate while the men were warming their backsides on the pine. Thank God for those women.

JamesCharles said...

While you are right, no woman has ever been allowed Scripturally to stand in an office of leadership, they have always been allowed to lead. The difference is the office. Why? If a woman was a pastor, she would usurp authority over her husband. The usurping authority over "the man" verse is in reference to (1 Cor 14) women speaking tongues and receiving prophecies, and telling "the man" or "the pastor" how the church should go, and saying "God told me so". This was the problem, not women leading or helping.

Brother Wilton Wager preached a WONDERFUL two sermon message concerning a woman's place in the church. One thing he said that stuck in my mind is that women HAVE preached. Deborah, other women titled "prophetesses". One scripture I remember he showed us was that a woman delivered the first easter sermon to her church. She had received a message from the Lord Jesus to go tell the disciples (the church) that he'd risen and was going to ascend. Also, if you read Acts 1 and 2 straight through, you'll find the women were there in the upper room, and at the preaching on the day of pentecost. They were prophesying (as the prophecy Peter mentioned, that God poured out His Spirit on the daughters as well as the sons).

Anyway, my whole point is this. The Bible is consistent. Women have preached messages from God to the church WITH men in their presence, and they have done so to Israel in the Old Testament. Women, however, are to be in their respectful position of submission to THEIR OWN husband (not other husbands or men) and so they can not hold any office which would violate that position.

Just because this is found all throughout scripture, though, doesn't mean God's churches will accept it within a split second. It will take time of teaching and learning before they will realize the truth. I'll be in prayer for you.