Thursday, November 13, 2008


After much consideration I decided to write my very first post on this life-changing experience. Everyone knows what a difference turning "40" makes in a person's life. Last year I began preparation for this event. I purchased many products to fight wrinkles, reduce pore size, and "youthenize" (my new word) my skin. Exfoliating, masking, and rejuvenating. I went on a very strict diet including low carbs, aerobics and excruciating ab crunches. I even tried the "cabbage soup diet." One word- YUCK! (don't listen to an older sister, they don't always know better). I went from a size 16 to a size 8! Yea!! And I am still working on it.

When I finally hit the big "40" in April, my wonderful husband reminded me that I am older than he is, only by four months. Then I realized that turning 40 wasn't such a big deal for him. He didn't purchase any products, go on a diet, or do anything to fight this battle. Why? Does he not realize that he has wrinkles, has gained weight, his pores are huge, and doesn't look anything like the man I married 19 years ago?

So, what is so different about us? Why do women fight it with every ounce of their being while their husbands could care less? Why does it bother us so much when a Victoria's Secret commercial comes on when he is in the room, but it doesn't bother him at all when the bowflex commercial comes on? (Women don't act like you don't love that commercial!)

So what am I going to do? I wish I could say that I'm not going to care anymore, let the wrinkles rage, pores enlarge, and let my backside enter the room ten minutes after I've walked through the door!....but I can't. I will continue to fight this losing battle until either I die or the Lord comes back. I plan on looking my best when I hit those pearly gates! Won't it be wonderful when this battle is over? I know that this body is going to die. God has shown me, through the process of aging, that I will not live forever in this body, but I will take on a new body. Then I won't have to worry about wrinkles, enlarged pores, or pant size. I will be perfect. Whatever that looks like, I will be.

My friend, Pastor Mike Wilkes, turned 40 eight days before I did, (I hope he doesn't mind me saying that). When I asked him how he felt about it, his reply was this, " I'll be one day closer to meeting Jesus." I'll never forget that.

So when I do feel like my age is getting the best of me, I think about what he said...I'm one day closer to meeting my Savior.


beyondsunrise63 said...

I think that is something we should all do. Find the positive in those things that we know we can't change or stop from happening.
"Im just,One day closer to meeting Jesus" There isn't a better truth to stand on... I will quote that not just in word's out of my mouth but with in my thoughts, on those days when things are really getting tough.
Thanks for sharing!
And you silly girl/woman... The "40's" honey, means we're just getting started! I'm 45 and having more fun than i ever did. lol
bye for now... (wink)

Julie Halliday said...

Hey girl! Glad to hear from you. I knew I could count on you. It's not that I don't feel good at this age. I just don't look like I feel!

Mike Wilkes said...

This is Kim- not Mike. Your pores are really huge. I am sure there is no product available to shrink such monstrosities. However, your diet was very successful. You look great! "40" isn't such a bad number. I am only 3 years away myself. "40" is looking younger and younger. I was shopping just this evening; trying on clothes and wondering why fat seems to accumulate in the middle now. What is going on?! Oh well, let us age gracefully. We are indeed that much closer to meeting Jesus in our perfect body. Be happy! See ya.....

Julie Halliday said...

Yeah, you're only saying that cuz you haven't hit 40 yet. When you do, let me know how you feel! haha Grow old gracefully? I don't think so. Whoever started that saying must have been a man.

JAMIE said...

Hey Girl,
This is Michelle, not Jamie. I know how you feel, some days anyway, I will be turning the BIG 40 on Thanksgiving Day. I have decided to be confident in the fact that you are only as old as you feel, and I don't feel 40 years old, at least not everyday, anyhow. I also constantly remind myself that no matter how old I get you will always be older! Hee Hee!! No, really I'm okay with getting older and WISER. I'm looking forward to going through those pearly gates and meeting my Lord and Savior. I agree with Bro. Mike, it just gets me one day closer! Love ya.... Tell Marissa to learn those lines. See ya Wednesday!

tracey said...

quit whining,
try 43 and 3 kids, 26,7,3.
who cares about wrinkles, i just
want some rest.
I am looking forward to Jesus
coming soon!! I hope real soon!!
I'm really tired!!
43 is great- don't fight it!!!!
the soup diet is just a kickstarter-dummy
I do know best
Your older sister!

Julie Halliday said...

How in the world can you know best? Your 43 and have a 3 yr old! Good grief!! Besides, you're just jealous cuz I look better!!hehe