Tuesday, December 9, 2008

On Clothes

I just wanted to share with everyone that I am in search of clothing. Unfortunately, most of the clothes I have I can not wear any longer. Fortunately, it is due to my recent weight loss. See, last year at this time a size 12 fit good, but this year they are extremely too big. I have given a new meaning to the term "baggy look". All I need now is some "bling-bling", a t-shirt that's three sizes too big, and a pair of boxing shorts to show over the top of my pants and I will look like I came straight out the ghetto.

I gave my clothes to a lady at my church. So, if you run across some awesome prices or just happen to have any size 8 pants or skirts, or medium tops, please, let me know. I did purchase a great little dress two weeks ago and other items. I just need a few more things. Please make sure the clothes are from this decade. I have written below what I like and what I don't like so you don't waste your time.

1. Love-animal prints (except for cows)
2. Love below the waist pants ( hate the pants that come all the way up to the waist- I may be 40 but I'm not 60)
3. Long, medium or short skirts (not too short- I don't want anyone to start calling me names)
4. I like purple, black, red, and brown

1. Absolutely no elastic waist (only acceptable in jogging pants)-one word - GRANDMA!
2. Big floral designs - that went out when Miami Vice went off the air!
3. Moo-moos -need I say more?
4. Dresses that cover from the neck down to the ankle (I'm not Amish)
5. Velour

Hope that helped!

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