Thursday, March 11, 2010

on keeping the Lord at work

Many of us who work with "the world" have a harder time struggling with our flesh. It is very easy to make it through the day without one thought on Christ. There are many influences that we are under. We are so busy and have to stay focused on the job that by the time we realize it, the day is over.

Our pastors, preachers, and others who do not work at other places tend to forget that we are facing "the world" every day. I'm not stating that men of God are immune to the flesh by any means. I'm just simply saying that I've noticed, in my own life, that those times when I wasn't working I was closer to God. I had the day to pray, read my bible, study, etc... Of course, any time that we are not as involved with the world, we are going to be closer to God if we make a commitment to Him.

I also think that preachers should consider this more when they are giving advice or preaching their messages. We don't have the time to go into an office and study the bible, or just simply pray sometimes. We have a job to do that, for many of us, uses all of our day and we still do not get everything accomplished.

There have been times when I am at work that I know I'm not being the person I should be. I am dealing with people who have lost their patience, manners, care, and respect for any others. I see the world every day and it is very easy to succumb to their way. I find myself being impatient, without manners, uncaring, and disrespectful. I find myself feeling no love for them because they show no love for their fellow man.

We need to pray for those of us who are struggling on our jobs to be a witness, to stop for a few moments throughout the day to focus and pray. We need to take just a moment to say "thank you Lord, please help me through the day."


JamesCharles said...

We would do well to always pray for our church members who work daily. This coming from a preacher who has always had to work a second secular job (with the exception of a short period of a year). I must say, however, I've found if you allow it to, work can help you focus on the LORD more, since there are usually more reasons you can be relying on Him. Lack of time, lack of strength, lack of endurance, lack of patience with people can be seen as a way to distract one from the LORD, but they can equally be seen as reasons a person should turn to the LORD. I guess I'm saying that secular jobs have potential to harm or help, it all depends on the worker's attitude and decisions.

Brother Joseph said...

Thanks for the post Julie. Sometimes we do forget.